I'm currently sitting in the warm lobby of the 'Perfect' Inn in Weyburn while the North Stars are head off to practice. So far our stay in Weyburn has been less than perfect, but I assure you that everybody seems to be in a better mood this morning after a tough one last night.
I wouldn't trade this for the world. Traveling with a hockey team across the province is so much fun, and so unique compared to many other jobs out there. For those that are curious, I'd like to share with you a glimpse of what life is like on the road with the Battlefords North Stars.
We'll use yesterday as an example:
8:45 AM - I arrive at the Civic Center and begin packing my stuff onto the bus. First and foremost I stash my coffee and bagel in a safe place, as to make sure that it stays warm. I will then stuff my suitcase underneath my seat and then finally I will grab my broadcast kit and stash it in the upper compartment. However this only takes place after I've opened up the suitcase and made sure that every vital piece of broadcast equipment is present and accounted for.
Last year I ended up leaving two crucial broadcast chords in the broadcast booth in Kindersley, and had it not been for Debbie Prescesky, and her convenient trip to Kindersley - I would have been in some trouble.9:15 - The past half-hour has consisted of the following: Rookies loading the equipment, sticks, jerseys, the stereo etc. onto the bus while the 'vets' supervise. North Star's equipment guru Dale Jackson will make sure the job is done correctly. Quite often he will ask if a specific player remembered his socks. If the player realizes that he has indeed forgotten his socks, Dale will smirk and assure said player that he's already taken care of it. This team would fall apart if it weren't for Dale Jackson.
Our bus driver for this trip is a man named Elden from PA Northern Buslines. He's a very pleasant man who gets a long well with our coaches and players. This morning he's wearing his North Star's jacket on the bus. If he were to ever wear a Humboldt jacket on our bus, he'd never hear the end of it.
The rookies at the front, while the 20-year-olds sit at the back of the bus. In my two-plus years with the team, I've only ventured to the back on two occasions. Once to play cards, the other to give a CD to Mitch Wall. I would gladly go back there and hang out with some of the fellas, but only if I'm invited. It's important to know one's role when riding the bus - plus I'm sure there are some topics of conversation not fit for the ears of a sportscaster.
That being said, I love sitting at the front. I've almost always got a TV station set up in front of me, and I always enjoy the company of Blair, Ken and Dale. We've had some fun trips together, especially when the team is winning games.
11:00 am - We arrive in Chamberlain. Elden stops the bus to grab a coffee and have a cigaratte, and a few of us get off the bus to use the bathroom. This stop often takes awhile because a lot of the guys (myself included) will stock up on Gatorade, snacks and lottery tickets.
11:20 Once we get back onto the bus, I hand Dale three movies and he gets to choose which one we watch. Blair and Ken drove down in Ken's vehicle, so Dale is in charge today.
He chooses "The Girl Next Door" with Elisha Cuthbert and Emile Hirsch. Nobody in the bus seems to complain about this decision, and after about five minutes of watching it's easy to understand why...
1:00 PM - We arrive to the outskirts of Weyburn right as our movie has come to an end. We are to meet the coaching staff at a restaurant called "Carves" which is run by Blair Atcheynum's cousin.
2:30 - After our meal, we proceed to the Perfect Inn. The coaches hand out room keys, and announce who's rooming with who. Quite often, the pairings are switched up, and almost always a rookie is paired with a veteran.
My roommate is always Dale, and it's great because (for the most part) we enjoy the same TV Shows.
4:30 PM - The past two hours have consisted of a nap, a shower, and getting dressed. I noticed a stain on the sleeve of my white dress-shirt which has left me in something of a sour mood. However, I used some water, soap and a little bit of 'elbow grease' and the stain is now a fraction of it's former self. My Mom would be quite proud of my determination.
Sometimes I'll use these two hours to go for a walk, a workout or I might even take a trip to the mall and buy a book. My first year with the team was especially bad for my wallet, not a road-trip would go by where I wouldn't find something to buy.
Gary Clark always used to make fun of me. One night in Yorkton he said, "Dan, you never need to pack, because you always go and buy new stuff anyway."I hop on the bus, and after a quick stop at Subway to pick up our post-game meals we are off we go to Wilcox (ETA: 5:45).
5:45 - We arrive with a ton of time to spare in Wilcox. Most of the bows grabbed a quick cat-nap on the way to Wilcox, while others like me looked at their Blackberry for hockey scores, facebook and twitter updates and news about our favourite leagues and teams. Okay, maybe it was just me and the coaches surfing our phones, but quite often it leads to some good sports-talk before games.
6:30 - By this time, I've set up my broadcast kit in the booth (always hoping for a working phone line, and an available power outlet), done my pregame interviews with two players (One as the Ultra Print Shooting-Star Profile), and both head-coaches.
Last night my pre-game interview was Blake Peake, my Profile was Troy Watt, and I spoke with Ken Pearson and Darren Evjen.
7:30 - For the past hour I've hung out in the lobby at the Duncan McNeil Arena, sipping hot chocolate and chatting with Coleman Brodbin, Ward Szucki and Boyd Wakelin. All three are naturally dejected that they aren't in the lineup, but all three are conversational enough, and time goes by rather quickly.
There is NOTHING worse than killing time by yourself before a broadcast - especially in Wilcox where there are so few people.
7:35 - I have a great conversation with the Oak's and Tomac's before I head to the broadcast booth. Both sets of parents/relatives are from the Moose Jaw area, and they usually make the effort to come watch their boys play. I really respect that, and it's great to see parents taking such a vested interest in their boy's. They all leave me with some encouraging words, and then I head off to the booth to start my pregame show.
10:00 - The game is over, the post-game show is complete, and I pack up as fast as I can in order to make it to the bus on-time. Given last night's result, the bus is eerily quiet.
The first thing I do after a loss is make sure my phone is on 'silent' because the last thing I want is to create unneccessary noise. The next 45 minutes consists of: checking more scores, texting my girlfriend and other pals and informing them of the results.
11:00 - Upon our arrival back in Weyburn we notice that more snow has fallen. The boys unpack their bags at the Weyburn Arena, then we head back to the hotel. Coach Pearson announces that "Breakfast Bus leaves at 9:15. Don't be late!"
As for what happens afterwards, the program is generally quite flexible. When location allows for it, Dale and I (and sometimes the coaches) will head out for an appetizer somewhere, or sometimes we'll even just hang out in a specific room and watch the sports highlights and reflect on the game.
I'm extremely gracious towards the coaches for viewing me as a peer, and allowing me to have access into their personal lives. I know that other sportscasters around the country don't have it nearly as good as I do, and I take a great amount of pride in rapport with Ken, Blair and Dale.
It's nice to know that even after a tough loss, that laughs can be obtained and stories can be told.
Hope you enjoyed that little glimpse into a Day in the Life of Dan O'Connor on the road. Perhaps I'll start telling more road-stories on the blog. Lord knows there has been a ton of hilarity over the years. If we win tonight I'll share a road-trip story tomorrow on the blog. Deal?